Evidence-Based Practice 2

Reflection on the development, team work, and development of knowledge

The developmental process of the dissemination project with my group was very open and productive. The 3 of us each put a lot of good ideas on the table, and worked our way through choosing a topic based on our clinical floor. Our clinical floor is a cardiac floor, and is always very fast-paced, and it is almost always buzzing with stressed nurses. It also came to light that the nurses did not have many places to get off the floor and eat or enjoy an actual quiet break. These facts made it pretty easy to narrow our ideas and thus we came up with the idea of quiet rooms to help relieve nurses stress. We split the work very evenly, and our expectations of each other were fair. It definitely worked out to do this project within the clinical group because we all had the same schedule for the most part, which made communication very easy.

Overall, our team work was very well done and everyone did there part. We also developed the knowledge to support our project adequately through using scholarly articles, and made sure we each understood each other’s parts of the project as well. This made for everything to be very cohesive and really helped in understanding how we help relieve nurses stress.